Why the Course Closes when it’s Frosty

Published on 30th July 2024 in Member Mobile News, members and guests

The season for early morning frost is upon us resulting in occasional but temporary course closures. Here is a reminder why.

The issue is potential damage to the green from the weight of golfers breaking frozen grass.   

Frost damage on the 6th. (2006)

If the greens are heavily frosted then play is not possible.

If the frost is light, golfers may be given permission to play by the superintendent. In this instance the risk of damage to the greens can be reduced by ensuring all ice is removed from the bottom of shoes before walking onto the green. Ice accumulates around cleats and on soles, and unless removed before walking on the green, exacerbates the potential for severe damage to the surface of the green. Wearing non-cleated, soft sole golf shoes will also reduce, but not eliminate, the risk.

Golf carts are a particular issue because the weight of the cart is enough to break and kill grass. This can leave very damaging and unsightly blackened areas of grass on fairways. Golf carts should not be used at all until frost is minimal or absent from the course.

The Club’s Fog and Frost Policy can be found here.


Watch this video from the USGA to learn more. 


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