Dress Code

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General Course & Clubhouse dress code
The Barwon Heads Golf Club is renowned as a prestigious golfing destination and is proud of its 100+ years of golfing history.
Like many other clubs it has a dress code aimed at maintaining the traditions of golf and club life. Please familiarise yourself with the code (and share with your group) prior to your visit.
The dress code is not arduous but it’s important to note that it differs between the golf course and the Clubhouse – and between men and women.
For example, one golfing tradition that is maintained at Barwon Heads is that men are required to wear white socks with their golf shoes if wearing shorts on the course. However, this white sock tradition does not apply to women – or for men wearing shorts inside the Clubhouse.
Read on and we’ll try to make it simple…
In general terms UNACCEPTABLE dress on the course, practice facilities and in the Clubhouse includes:
- Blue denim garments
- Shirts without collars (except those specifically designed for golf)
- Singlets, beach wear and rubber thongs
- Leggings, gym-wear and tracksuits
- Casual shorts, football shorts, cargo shorts/pants
- Open-toed shoes (except those specifically designed for golf)
- Clothing emblazoned with excessive logos
Neat attire including a collared shirt/polo (tucked in for men), tailored trousers/shorts/skirts, white socks (for men wearing shorts) and soft spike shoes.
Members’ Lounge and Links Room
Smart, neat casual wear is acceptable at all times, but blue denim garments, singlets, leggings, casual shorts, rubber thongs and other unacceptable items (as above) are not to be worn anywhere in the shared areas of the Clubhouse.
Neat attire suitable for the course or tennis courts is acceptable in these areas, including soft spikes.
The Dining Room
Men are required to wear a jacket and business shirt. A tie is optional. Women are required to dress to an equivalent standard.
It is permissible for children of 15 years of age or younger accompanying members in the Clubhouse to be dressed in a manner which may not fully conform to the dress standards providing the children are wearing clothing and footwear which is neat, clean and tidy and will not cause offence to other members.
Tennis attire is required to be worn on the tennis courts. Tennis shoes are to be worn.
If you’d like a printable leaflet please click the link below.