Nomination Procedure

Every candidate for membership must be proposed and seconded by two voting members of at least five years adult membership. The nomination papers must be supported by three other voting members acting as referees (unless the candidate is applying for Junior Membership).

Nomination papers must first be requested by an existing member of the Club. This member (the proposer) can collect the papers from the Club office, have them sent out by mail, or the proposer can request online forms by emailing the Club on The forms are valid for three months from the time of collection.

Nominations are tabled at a Membership Sub-Committee meeting prior to them being tabled at a Committee meeting.  Following this meeting, the candidate’s name will be circulated to all voting members for comment.  The candidate and their proposer (or seconder) will then be invited to meet with two members of the Sub-Committee to discuss their application and ask any questions they might have. They will then be eligible for election as a member.

*In the case of juniors, or recent arrivals from overseas, or other special circumstances where the period of membership, or association with the candidate, is less than five years, the Committee may still consider the proposal.